Prudence Farrow Bruns​ PhD

- YOGA VISION - Part 1
Rāja Yoga
1) Yoga Śāstras

   a. Bhagavad Gītā

      1. History and influences

      2. Contents and structure

      3. Bhakti, Karma, Jñāna

      4. Principles and practices 

   b. Yoga Sūtras

      1. History and influences

      2. Contents and structure

      3. Aṣṭaṅgas: yama, niyama, āsana, prāṇāyāma, pratyāhāra, dhāraṇā,      

      dhyāna, samādhi

      4. Principles and practice

- YOGA VISION - Part 2
Haṭha Yoga
1) Haṭha Yoga Śāstras

   a. Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā

      1. History and influences

      2. Contents and structure

      3. Principles and practices

   b. Gheraṇḍa Saṁhitā

      1. History and influences

      2. Contents and structure

      3. Principles and practices

   c. Śiva Saṁhitā

      1. History and Influences

      2. Contents and structure

      3. Principles and practices

2) Nine Major Styles of Haṭha Yoga

   a. Anusara, Ashtanga, Bikram/Hot Yoga, Iyengar, Maharishi Yoga℠,  

   Restorative, Vinyasa, Yin

      1. History, influences

      2. Principles and practices

1) Origins of Yoga

   a. Artifacts

   b. Aryans, Sanskrit language derivation

   c. Vedas - apauruṣeya, their periods of development

      1. Sanskrit language oral learning

      2. Śruti, smṛti, purāṇa

   d. Indigenous Influences - śramaṇas (wandering renunciate ascetics), āstika  

   / nāstika 


1) Early Influences Shaping Yoga Practices and Philosophy

   a. 4 Vedas - ṛṣi, devatā, chandas

   b. Saṁhitās of Veda

      1. Brāhmaṇas, Āraṇyakas, Upaniṣads

      2. Development from externalization of sacrifice to internal

      3. Ṛṣi - tapas, meditation, guruparamparā

   c. Rudra - Śiva protoype

     1. Sāṃkhya - puruṣa/prakṛti, Śiva/Śakti

     2. Prāṇa and prāṇic body

     3. Kośas

Concepts, Literature and Language
1) Primary concepts

   a. Mahāvākyas

   b. Śaḍdarśanas

   c. Important precepts i.e., puruṣārthas, four āśramas

   d. Important terms

2) Overview of the literature: śruti, smṛti, purāna

3) Unique structure of Sanskrit language

Yogic architecture is called Vāstu (dwelling) Vidyā (science). The science of Vāstu consists of principles of design that restore balance between the microcosm (home) and macrocosm (cosmos). In this course you will learn the concepts and principles governing vāstu design with regard to the layout of a building to its measurement, orientation, proportion, shape, location, exposure to sun, wind, water, etc. These principles apply to the construction of all living and working areas both public and private including homes, villages, cities, parks, etc.

There are many vāstu śāstras (authoritative text) from the various regions of the Indian subcontinent. They began to be prevalent in India around the 6th century CE. These texts were often manuals for constructing temples but also described the design of surrounding homes and town planning. Each region of India tended to adapt the basic concepts and principles of Vāstu Vidyā to fit their own style using Vāstu Vidyā as a guideline and not a rigid code. Our course will base a lot of its information from the commonly cited Sanskrit vāstu śāstra called Bṛhat- Saṁhitāby Varāhamihira. This is a north Indian manual from the 6th century CE of the Nagara style of temple architecture.

Vāstu Vidyā is timeless. We will look at how this wisdom is being used today to conform with green living and in the construction of energy efficient homes and businesses.

Yoga Sūtra Study
The Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali is one of two yoga śāstras or authoritative texts. Classical yoga as described in Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtras is commonly called Rāja (royal) Yoga. The text consists of 196 sūtras (aphorisms). According to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi the text is descriptive rather than prescriptive. The sūtras are describing the results from attaining samādhi rather than prescribing the necessary steps for achieving samādhi. This is why Patañjali depicts eight limbs (aṣṭāṅga) not eight steps or stages (krama). Limbs grow together not one at a time.

The explanation that the text is describing the results from attaining samādhi explains why the first pada (chapter) of the book starts with “Samādhi” then moves on to “Sādanā” (practices), “Vibhūti” (spiritual power or wealth) and final fourth pada “Kaivalya” (enlightenment).

Over the years there have been many important interpretations or commentaries on The Yoga Sūtras. We will look at some of the more recognized of these commentaries as we read through the salient points, concepts and Sanskrit terms used in each pada.

- Methodology
including teaching children, elderly, those w/ particular ailments, sequencing and queuing

- Yoga Anatomy

- Lecturing
presenting yoga packages and published studies, and opening new leads i.e. hospitals, doctors, schools, businesses

- Business of Yoga
business of operating a yoga school

CONTACT:  Kai Yoga Arts -

Bhagavad Gītā Study
The Bhagavad Gītā is a timeless story pertinent to all of us. The Gītā, as it is commonly called, is one of two yoga śāstras or authoritative texts, the other being “The Yoga Sūtras.” Consisting of 700 verses in Sanskrit, it is taken from the great Indian epic tale “The Mahābhārata.” The Gītā is thought to embody the essential wisdom of the ancient Vedic Upaniṣads. It has even been referred to as the soul of the Upaniṣads.

The story takes place on a battlefield in a war between two related families, the Pandavas and Kauravas. The hero, Arjuna, is to lead his army into battle against his cousins and uncles. Torn between his duty as a prince and the dictates of his heart as a family member, he questions the nature of duty versus the feelings of the heart inquiring deeply into how we know right from wrong. The outward war becomes symbolic for the inward conflicts we all struggle with at different times in our life.

The text consists primarily of a dialogue between the warrior prince, Arjuna, and his divine charioteer, Krishna. Krishna’s basic message is that only through the state of yoga will the mind and heart be brought into proper balance so we can know and make the right decisions. Krishna tells Arjuna in 2.48, “Yogasthaḥ kuru karmāṇi”- perform action established in yoga.

The dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna is crafted brilliantly analyzing concepts of dharma, mokṣa, 3 guṇas, yoga: karma yoga, bhakti yoga and jñāna yoga, as well as the nature of desire and the role of attachment and nonattachment.

Āyurveda Intensive
This course introduces basic concepts, principles and methods used in Āyurveda. The course will include hands on experience such as learning the rudiments of self pulse-examination and oil massage as well as how to properly assess and implement treatments for individual body constitutions including specific dietary and nutritional foods, herbal supplements, exercise programs, personalized daily and seasonal routines along with other preventative and treatment modalities. Special attention will be paid throughout the course to the original Sanskrit textual sources.


1 Day Immersion Courses:

Sanskrit Language (Lessons 1 - 6)
In these 4 workshops, you will learn to read & write the Devanāgarī script and use a Sanskrit dictionary. By the end of the 4 workshops, you will not only have the ability to ready the Sanskrit Devanāgarī text out loud but you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you can check individual words in your Sanskrit dictionary for a more accurate understanding.

Haṭha Yoga Śāstras
Haṭha Yoga has three yoga śāstras —The Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā, Gheraṇḍa Saṁhitā and the Śiva Saṁhitā. We will take an in-depth look into Haṭha Yoga practices and goals as presented in each of these authoritative texts. This will included an analysis of the specific āsanas and prāṇāyāma prescribed and their expected results. Asking primary questions, we will look at what the texts have in common in order to get a fuller vision of Haṭha Yoga traditional origins, themes, principles and concepts of the body such as śakti, kuṇḍalinī, cakras, suṣumnā, iḍā, piṅgala, 5 kośas, 3 types of śarīras (bodies), nāḍīs, pañcikaranam, etc.